Despite being a largely forested country, Slovenia has also some excellent wetland sites. Most wetlands are continental, with only a few lying on the country’s short stretch of coast. Certainly the most famous and interesting is the temporary karstic lake (or “turlough”) of Cerknica, in the Notranjska region. This place has an exceptional biodiversity due to its varied landscapes with lake, reedbeds, wet meadows, channels, forest and farmland. Being temporary, the lake is full of water only after heavy rainfall (usually in autumn and spring). Northeastern, lowland Slovenia has many interesting freshwater wetlands, typical of the Pannonian region. Although most of the lakes, marshes and reservoirs in the Štajerska region are man-made, they are extremely rich in birds and other wildlife and include areas such as Ptuj and Ormož lakes, the Medvedce reservoir, the Ormož, Rače and Vrbje fishponds. Wetlands are a real paradise for birds either for breeding, wintering or as stop-over sites during migration.




Famous & Charismatic Species



Ferruginous Duck 

Aythya nyroca / Kostanjevka


Great Crested Grebe

Podiceps cristatus / Čopasti ponirek


Eurasian Coot

Fulica atra / Črna liska


Little Grebe

Tachybaptus ruficollis / Mali ponirek


Spotted Crake 

Porzana porzana / Grahasta tukalica


Little Crake 

Porzana parva / Mala tukalica


Black-necked Grebe 

Podiceps nigricollis / Črnovrati ponirek


Red-necked Grebe 

Podiceps grisegena / Rjavovrati ponirek



Gallinago gallinago / Kozica



Numenius arquata / Veliki škurh


Little Bittern 

Ixobrychus minutus / Čapljica



Botaurus stellaris / Bobnarica


White-tailed Eagle 

Haliaeetus albicilla / Orel belorepec


Marsh Harrier 

Circus aeruginosus / Rjavi lunj


Black Stork 

Ciconia nigra / Črna štorklja


Common Tern 

Sterna hirundo / Navadna čigra


Mediterranean Gull 

Larus melanocephalus / Črnoglavi galeb


Grasshopper Warbler 

Locustella naevia / Kobiličar


River Warbler 

Locustella fluviatilis / Rečni cvrčalec


Savi’s Warbler 

Locustella luscinioides / Trstni cvrčalec



Crex crex / Kosec



Coturnix coturnix / Prepelica


Yellow Wagtail 

Motacilla flava / Rumena pastirica



Mergellus albellus / Mali žagar



Bucephala clangula / Zvonec


Greater Scaup 

Aythya marila / Rjavka


Velvet Scoter 

Melanitta fusca / Beloliska


Long-tailed Duck 

Clangula hyemalis / Zimska raca


Whooper Swan 

Cygnus cygnus / Labod pevec


Bewick's Swan 

Cygnus columbianus / Mali labod


Lesser White-fronted Goose 

Anser erythropus / Mala gos


Red-breasted Goose 

Branta ruficollis / Rdečevrata gos


White-winged Tern 

Chlidonias leucopterus / Močvirska čigra


Glossy Ibis 

Plegadis falcinellus / Plevica



Platalea leucorodia / Žličarka



Anas querquedula / Reglja


Pygmy Cormorant 

Phalacrocorax pygmeus / Pritlikavi kormoran



Pandion haliaetus / Ribji orel


Marsh Frog 

Pelophylax ridibundus / Debeloglavka


Edible Frog 

Pelophylax esculentus / Zelena žaba


European Tree Frog 

Hyla arborea / Zelena rega


Yellow-bellied Toad 

Bombina variegata / Hribski urh


European Toad 

Bufo bufo / Navadna krastača


Green Toad 

Bufo viridis / Zelena krastača


Smooth Newt 

Lissotriton vulgaris / Navadni pupek


Northern Crested Newt 

Triturus cristatus / Veliki severni pupek


Fire Salamander 

Salamandra atra / Navadni močerad


Common Spadefoot 

Pelobates fuscus / Česnovka


Fire-bellied Toad 

Bombina bombina / Nižinski urh


Danube Crested Newt 

Triturus dobrogicus / Panonski pupek


Italian Crested Newt 

Triturus carnifex / Veliki pupek


Italian Agile Frog 

Rana latastei / Laška žaba


Grass Snake 

Natrix natrix / Belouška


Dice Snake 

Natrix tessellata / Kobranka


European Pond Terrapin 

Emys orbicularis / Močvirska sklednica



Cinclus cinclus / Povodni kos


Grey Wagtail 

Motacilla cinerea / Siva pastirica



Mergus merganser / Veliki žagar


Common Kingfisher 

Alcedo atthis / Vodomec


Sand Martin 

Riparia riparia / Breguljka


Common Sandpiper 

Actitis hypoleucos / Mali martinec


Little Ringed Plover 

Charadrius dubius / Mali deževnik



Lutra lutra / Vidra



Castor fiber / Bober


Marbled Trout 

Salmo marmoratus / Soška postrv


White-clawed Crayfish 

Austropotamobius pallipes / Primorski koščak


Stone Crayfish 

Austropotamobius torrentium / Navadni koščak


European Crayfish 

Astacus astacus / Jelševec