Although wet meadows are becoming increasingly rare and endangered due to heavy drainage and intensive farming, there are still some beautiful areas to be found in Slovenia. This habitat usually occurs along rivers and streams (or lakes), especially those that flood regularly. In some cases such meadows were formed through centuries of human activity and deforestation. But the traditional way of farming allowed the establishment of a high biodiversity. Preserving extensive grasslands through regular mowing and avoiding the scrubbing-over of land is the key to preserve these precious habitats. Some examples of beautiful wet meadows in Slovenia include those in the areas of the Nanoščica river basin, Planinsko polje, Cerkniško jezero, Bloško polje, Ljubljansko barje and the Reka valley.
Famous & Charismatic Species
Crex crex / Kosec
Coturnix coturnix / Prepelica
Saxicola rubetra / Repaljščica
Sylvia nisoria / Pisana penica
Carpodacus erythrinus / Škrlatec
Gallinago gallinago / Kozica
Lanius collurio / Rjavi srakoper
Sylvia communis / Rjava penica
Emberiza citrinella / Rumeni strnad
Anthus trivialis / Drevesna cipa
Numenius arquata / Veliki škurh
Euphydryas aurinia / Travniški postavnež
Melitaea diamina / Močvirski pisanček
Lycaena hippothoe / Škrlatni cekinček
Zerynthia polyxena / Petelinček
Dry karstic grasslands, like the name suggests, are found in the Karst region of western Slovenia. The Karst, or Kras in Slovene, is a limestone plateau lying in the northernmost part of the Adriatic sea. It extends above the town of Trieste in northeast Italy and into western Slovenia. The area is known for its geological, geomorphological and speleological phenomena, known commonly as karstic phenomena. The term “karst” became the technical term describing any karst area in the world, where the landscape is formed with the dissolution of soluble limestone and dolomite rocks. The Karst’s most characteristic landscape is a stony grassland, formed through four millenia of human activity: from deforestation to intensive grazing of livestock. Nowadays this kind of grassland is slowly giving way to forested areas, as grazing and land use is being abandoned. Although semi-natural, such grasslands are among the most species rich habitats in Europe. They are included in EU’s Habitat Directive and classified as Eastern sub-mediterranean dry grasslands.
Emberiza hortulana / Vrtni strnad
Circaetus gallicus / Kačar
Anthus campestris / Rjava cipa
Upupa epops / Smrdokavra
Lanius collurio / Rjavi srakoper
Emberiza calandra / Veliki strnad
Emberiza cirlus / Plotni strnad
Caprimulgus europaeus / Podhujka
Lullula arborea / Hribski škrjanec
Alauda arvensis / Poljski škrjanec
Hippolais polyglotta / Penica
Alectoris graeca / Kotorna
Vipera ammodytes / Modras
Lacerta viridis / Zelenec
Podarcis melisellensis / Kraška kuščarica
Podarcis sicula / Primorska kuščarica
Hierophis viridiflavus / Črnica
Zamenis longissimus / Navadni gož
Elaphe quatuorlineata / Progasti gož
Euphydryas aurinia / Travniški postavnež
Zerynthia polyxena / Petelinček
Coenonympha oedippus / Barjanski okarček
Parnassius mnemosyne / Črni apolon
Satyrus ferula / Žametni modrook
Arethusana arethusa / Okrasti košeničar
Chazara briseis / Skalni puščavar
Euplagia quadripunctaria / Črtasti medvedek
Eriogaster catax / Hromi volnoritec
Zygaena carniolica / Kranjski ovnič
Saga pedo / Žagarica
Prionotropis hystrix hystrix / Žagasta kamenka
Libelloides macaronius / Navadna metuljčnica